What kind of support does yLinx provide?


yLinx provides expert support to help businesses set up, manage, and optimize their hosting environments. Our support team is available 24/7 to answer questions, troubleshoot issues, and provide guidance on [...]

What kind of support does yLinx provide?2023-04-16T23:01:06+05:00

What are the benefits of using a VPS?


VPS hosting provides dedicated resources, a private environment, and more control over the server compared to shared hosting. VPS hosting also tends to be more affordable than dedicated hosting, while [...]

What are the benefits of using a VPS?2023-04-16T22:57:57+05:00

What are the benefits of cloud hosting?


Cloud hosting offers high availability, scalability, and flexibility. It allows you to easily scale up or down your resources as needed, and it provides redundancy in case of hardware failures. [...]

What are the benefits of cloud hosting?2023-04-16T22:57:44+05:00

What is a virtual private server (VPS)?


A virtual private server (VPS) is a virtual machine that is rented by a hosting provider to a customer. The VPS provides the customer with dedicated resources and a private [...]

What is a virtual private server (VPS)?2023-04-16T22:57:28+05:00

What is cloud hosting?


Cloud hosting is a type of web hosting that uses multiple servers to distribute and manage resources for a website or application. The resources are distributed across multiple servers, which [...]

What is cloud hosting?2023-04-16T22:56:21+05:00
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